女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(33)


"Did she say it was okay" asked Carrie. "Yes, and that you have a message for me" i said. Carrie just laughed. "What" i said stomping my foot. "Will your mom let you spend the night at my house" she asked. "Yea, im sure she will" i answered. "Lets go. Could you fasten my necklace" she said laughing. Carrie gave Kells big toe area one last kiss and i retied the socks around her neck.

"Mom, im staying at Carries tonight" i yelled towards the family room. "Okay honey" was her reply. i was still curious to what the message was.?

When i got into Carries car, i saw the basket of laundry in the back seat and next to the laundry, a box of shoes. i reconized the pair of flats on top. "Its going to be a long night" smiled Carrie. "oh, Kelly and Amber will be spending the night also" she said w/ a wink.

Part 9

"Really, what the fuck Carrie" i said w/ excitement! "It was all Kell... mmm Miss Kelly's idea. She wanted to keep it in the moment" Carrie explained w/ a hint of excitement. "Then you are cool w/ all of this" i asked, my voice trailing off a bit. "I dont know, I love to hear her praise me, it feels... right" she said as she pulled Kellys sock "necklace" up to her nose. "Let yourself go, do what feels right" i encouraged her. "If its to much, let her know, i know this will stay between the four of us unless... you really like it, then..." i added. "Then what" she asked stopping at an intersection, giving her time to look at me. "you saw me at volunteer day, in public and all" i stammered while returning the look.?


We were silent after that, only changing the radio station from time to time. As her house came into view we exchanged glances and smiled at eachother in the passing street lights. i grabbed the box of shoes and Carrie brought the laundry. "Did you give them good directions Carrie" i asked. "Kell... oops, Miss Kelly knows the area" Carrie giggled.

Carries mother met us at the door. "Shawna, Kelly dropped off your video recorder and left a message to call... Amb" she said. "Friends from school" she asked and looked at us both, eyeing our unusual luggage. "Yes, its about... ummm... a homework project" i made up the story as fast as i could. i dont own a video camera lol. "These are for the project also mom, like a play" Carrie tried to smooth over the laundry and box of shoes. "ok girls, have fun and be quiet" she said, finally letting us through the door. i threw the recorder in the laundry basket.

We both had a "what the fuck" look on our faces when we got down to the basement family room. "Use my cell" Carrie said forcing the phone into my hands. i called Miss Amber. "Hello" she answered. "HI MISS AMBER, i got your message" i tried to sound excited. "Kell and I have a party to go to, your objective is to make Kell and I a movie. You play the bossy one at first, to help train Carrie for Kelly" she explained. "After you train her how I have trained you, you play her slave, we want it ALL recorded" she ordered. "Tommorow, you will help her w/ the laundry and shoes... and tape that for us as well" she laughed. "Whats going on" Carrie demanded. i just put my hand out and told her to be quiet. "Yes Miss Amber, have fun" i said weakly. "I want a good video little shawna, make ME happy"she said as i heard the hang up.
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