女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(39)


i got the usual stares on my walk home, having socks on your shoulders draws stares for some reason lol. When i walked through the door my mother was there to greet me. "shawna, carries mom called... why is there a sock on your shoulder" she said finally asked. "Mom, dont... please" i said putting Miss Ambers sock in my pocket. "She said something about you and carrie licking these other girls shoes" she said with her hands at her hips. Since dad is mostly gone on business, mom is the discipline force in the house as well as mom. "Mom, i CHOOSE to do what i am doing... i, i, i like serving Amber... Miss Amber and her Mom sometimes" i cried out. "Her Mother? What is going on, what is their last name" she questioned. "Kingsley" i yelled. "Get in the car" she screamed.?

i was so scared as my mother forced the directions out of me to Miss Ambers house. i might never see Miss Amber again, or even worse lay at her feet smilling while she looks down at me. "Im going to give them a piece of mind" mom screamed. She was so angry. Oh no, i can see the driveway and in a way my life changing.

She pulled me by the arm up to the door. Miss Amber answered and always so self assured said "oh you came by for my flip flops early". i was amazed at how matter of factly she thought i was there for her, i love her! As my mother yelled at Miss Amber, Miss Amber just stood there, arms crossed looking right into my mother's eyes tapping her foot. "Are you done" Miss Amber then cooly asked. "Whats going on" Miss Kingsley said coming around the corner. My mother started yelling again and Miss Kingsley said "Lets stop yelling and go into the living room and talk". Mom still had a tight grip on my arm, i couldnt tell if it was a protective move or what. They all took seats, as soon as my mom let go of my arm i went to sit at Miss Ambers feet. While she patted and petted my head, my mother yelled "shawna get the hell off the floor and sit over here"! i looked up at Miss Amber then her mother and turned back to my mom and said simply "No". "What have you done to my daughter" my mom screamed. "Ma'am I didnt do anything, little shawna here is free to go at any time as i told her from the get go. We have our roles and she has chosen hers and I have chosen mine. It works for us. I love your daughter very much and would never harm her or force her into anything she didnt want." Miss Amber said sounding like the perfect mediator. "Mrs Wilson is it" Miss Kingley asked my mother. "Yes it is" my mother replied. While Miss Amber kept petting and patting my head, i started to massage her foot. "Miss Wilson, your daughter comes here and hangs out with my daughter because she wants to" Miss Kingsley added. "shawna, stop that and get off the floor, please" my mother said in a pleaful voice. "No mom, please just let me be, im happy here" i said still massaging Miss Ambers foot. That made her furious and she stormed out slamming the front door and taking off.


The three of us jumped up and watched her drive away. i looked at Miss Amber and she at me. i got down on my knees between them both keeping my eyes locked with Miss Ambers. "Maybe you should drive her home Amb" Miss Kingsley said. With her eyes still locked on mine Miss Amber asked "shawna, what do you want"? Looking at her then Miss Kingsley i pleaded with them while alternating kisses on thier feet "Please, please, let me stay tonight and i will talk w/ her tomorrow". "You are committed to my daughter shawna" she said half question and half observation. "Yes Miss Kingsley" putting my lips on her daughter's big toe for a kiss. "Mom, let her stay the night" argued my Owner.?
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