女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(26)


When i got back down i layed at her feet thinking she may like a footrest. "Get up on you knees shawna" she said very sweetly. "I have never used someone like that before shawna, really i havent. I liked it very much and after watching you submit to my daughter, i thought why not. She told me how you just followed her like a little puppy. i will use you when its ok with her but, She deserves this, She will go onto University and a great career, I would be happy to know She has a willing servent. I want you to follow her every order and give youself completely to her. After you massage my feet, you will go up to Ambers room and clean all her shoes as I had you clean mine and clean her room. Got it? Or you can go home" she said. "May i call my mother to let her know i wont be home tonight" i asked. "Of course you can, ill even tell her its ok" she smiled. As i was getting the phone she let me know Miss Amber was at a friends sleeping over and wouldnt be home.

After the phone call, Miss Kingsley put her recliner back and i sat at her feet, massaging them. As i was doing this i thought of Miss Amber and i leaned in and kissed her mothers foot. When she was ready for bed, i went to Miss Ambers room and started on all of her shoes... sneakers, sandals, flip flops, heels and flats. Then i cleaned her room wearing a silly grin, soooooo happy to be there! About 5 AM i was done hoping my work may please Miss Amber. I laid at the foot of her bed, naked using her favorite pair of sneakers as a pillow. copyright nzxs8.cc

i cant wait untill i see her next...

Part 5

The next morning Mrs Kingsley woke me w/ a light tap on my cheek w/ the toe of her slipper. "Get up Shawna, time to go to school" was the rude reminder. i leaned out to kiss her slipper, that seemed to please her and she said thanks. "Remember what I told you last night, if you are willing to submit to my daughter, be here after school and tell her" she reminded me. How could i forget!! i just replied a humble "yes ma'am" obviously holding back a smile.

Though we are not in the same school district, i am in someways in the same place as Miss Amber. Upper middle class, good school and i am an honor roll student who could easily get into any university of my choice. All that changed when i met her, now our paths are the same... in her control. That of course all depends if she accepts me and my complete submission to her.?

I couldnt wait to get to her house! i decided to walk instead of take the bus, what is a few miles, gave me time to think about it all a bit more, if i really wanted this... ok i didnt think that long about it! nwxs5.cc

Up the porch stairs and ring the bell. "come on in shawna, Amber is upstairs" Mrs Kingsley let me know. Up the stairs i ran and knocked on her door and a very friendy "come in" was her reply. She was sitting at her desk working at her computer. She didnt turn around to greet me, instead she raised her hand as if to say just stay put and be quiet. I did, then i noticed she was wearing her superstars and stripey socks. She had her legs crossed w/ the toe of her right shoe pressed against the desk leg allowing her heel to pop out just a bit. She had her hair tied back, i hope somday she may let me brush it out for her. While i was in a complete state of admiration, she snapped me out of my daze as she spun around in her seat and placed both feet down in front of her. "Come kneel down in front of me shawna" she asked very sweetly. I did, and i couldnt help it... i put my head down to her feet and kissed the tops of her shoes. "im sorry" i said since she didnt tell me to do that. "Its ok" she laughed. Then in a serious tone she asked me why have i thrown myself at her. "Amber, i truly dont know why, it just feels right. The things that feel right with you i would have kicked someones ass just for asking, like how bossy you were the first time we met" i tried to explain. i looked up and our eyes met and i looked away almost as fast. "I like it, and if you promise to always belong to me, obey me and think of my needs first, I will take you on as my servent first. At the end of our highschool days, if you proove yourself worthy of all I expect, I will decide if I'll take you on from there, as my slave. Of course the same thing applies too you as well, if you dont truly want this, I'll let you go. I have alot of homework to do, you didnt have a chance to clean these shoes last night because I was away, knowing that, your next actions will seal the deal" was her somewhat ambiguous response... except to me!
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