女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(27)


She spun around in her chair and went back to work, she crossed her ankles under the chair and in doing so both heels popped out. Both soles of her shoes were at a place i could get to them. It was an awkward position but i started licking the soles of her shoes. With her heels popped out i could smell her sweaty feet, my Mistress's sweaty feet, that felt good. She moved her feet a bit when it made her more comfortable, i adjusted my position each time. At times she slipped her feet out of her shoes and rested them on the rear brace of her desk. As much as i wanted to get to her feet i kept at the task at hand. I was nearly finshed licking one of the stripes when her feet rested on my head! "Hope this doesnt hinder your work little shawna" she laughed. I took the task at hand w/ more pride now. She rubbed the soles of her socked feet on my head as licked her shoes clean, in a way giving herself a foot massage... using my head! Her mom opened the door at one point and laughed "I guess she accepted!" i kept licking her shoes as she stroked my head w/ her socked feet and she replied "I knew she would, like you said i needed a full time slave" and they both laughed. "anyways, i got to go, you treat her nice Amb" and w/ that her mother closed the door and left. "Turn over and massage my feet w/ kisses little shawna" was her order. She pressed her still damp warm socks deeply into my lips and i kissed and sucked all the while trying to get a breath!

After about an hour of this she got up and told me to stay. i could see her walk over to her bed and she sat down at the foot of it. "Crawl over here little shawna, and keep eye contact" she ordered. i started to crawl , keeping my eyes locked on hers, fuck this was so weird, but i loved it. About three feet from her she told me to stop. "Strip, when we are alone you should be naked" was her order. i started to get up and she yelled "stay on your knees, and keep eye contact!" Though awkward i did it and soon the next order came "crawl on your belly 'till your nose touches my toes". When i got there i kissed the tip of her left big toe as low as i could get my lips. "open your mouth, take my socks off w/ it" was her order, and i got them both off. Then she had me in a kneeling postion to undress her completely. "I know this will be an honor for you shawna, i know youll need practice and YOU will learn!" she said. What the fuck, i didnt see this coming but i let her hands guide me as i did my best, her feet resting on my back all the while. Her moans let me know i must have been doing ok! She had an explosive orgasim and i cleaned every bit up. She petted my head and said "good girl". i fetched her robe and put it on her then i got dressed at order.? nwxs10.cc

i got back on my knees in front of her. "Take my laundry home w/ you tonight and you will spend the night Saturday and bring it back clean" was her order. "I hope you wont mind these new chores i have given you" she laughed. i just started kissing her feet and sucking her toes in while she sat on her bed saying good girl! "Miss Amber, may i take your socks from tonight and place them on my shoulder for my ride home?" i asked in between kissing her toes. "Soooo glad you remembered little shawna" was her way of saying ok. i love her new nickname for me!
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