女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(29)


The next few hours i spent at Miss Amber's side, a true sidekick lol. As always she was the group leader. At days end all the groups met at the same place, a picnick area. i knelt at Miss Ambers feet while the rest sat at the picnick tables. "shawna"and a quick kick to my head was all i needed. i undid her laces and let her feet rest in my lap and started to massage them. Carrie walked by and saw me. "Shawna! wha what are you doing" she asked kinda freaked out. Miss Amber pressed her right foot's toes to my lips and i knew to remain silent as i massged her tired left foot and kissed her toes. "You must be Carrie, im Amber... sooo nice to meet you" she said in a mocking voice. Kelly sat at the other end of the bench and laughed, though she had no idea of our plan. Like i said, Carrie is a preppy and pretty girl, though a bit nerdy. "shawna why are y" and Miss Amber cut in. "Carrie, i needed a foot rub real bad, little shawna gives the best" she said w/ her toes still pressed at my mouth. "oh i didnt kno" Carrie tried to say but was cut off again by Miss Amber "she needs a ride to my house, you can come too" was Ambers order. "i guess i cou" and carrie was cut off again. "Good. Shawna, put my shoes back on and go with your little friend here, be at my house about 6:30" was her order. i quickly put her shoes back on and kissed each one, then stood up to join Carrie. She looked so lost lol! copyright nzxs8.cc

As we walked to her car she asked "why do you let her order you around?" Carrie, we have to talk...

Part 7

i had no idea how to go about this, making Carrie submit to Kelly that is. With Amber it was easy, i wanted to submit to her soo bad, i wasnt sure how to "make" someone feel submissive but since i raised the subject, i have to try now.?

"Shawna, what the hell was going on back there? Is that why you havent been around lately? Why would you let that girl treat you like that? She had her foot pressed againgst your mouth, you kissed her toes instead of moving away. WHY?" was her barrage of questions. "Carrie, shes cool, and i... i like to do that for her, whatever makes her happy" was my weak response, fuck ive always been so head strong untill now. "What, are you some freak lezbo now? I mean, why do you like it?" she asked w/ a hint of curiosity in her voice. "i just do, she has a hold on me i cant describe, it feels good to me to please her. i know it may not make sense, just go along with it please and dont think of it as a bad thing, ok" was all i could get out. This wasnt going well and i knew it, what will Miss Amber think. "Shawna, we have been friends a long time, i dont want to judge but it is a bit difficult" she responded. My heart was racing as we got closer to Miss Amber's home. "I just dont understand what happened to you Shawna" she sighed. i could see Miss Ambers house now. 本文来自nwxs5.cc

As we pulled into the driveway, i saw Miss Amber and Kelly sitting on the porch, on the only two chairs there. "Shawna, dont be to wierd ok" she said before we got out of her car. "Carrie, relax" i reassured her.
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